
I can’t stop reading

I have two books and a cup of coffee in front of me. The coffee was made when I finally tore myself away from my book long enough to actually accomplish something.

So far today I have done nothing but feed my pets. You see, the doorbell rang, looking out the window I saw our mail lady, and with giddiness I flung open the door and found two packages, each with a book waiting for me.

They are used volumes, well cared for, which either means someone loved them greatly, or didn’t care for them at all, which I try not to think about as it hurts in a “How could you not love this” way of incredulity that always happens when I find a lovely used volume.

Add to all this that both books that arrived today are about books, and it’s official, I am a Bibliophile.

My husband buys me books as gifts usually, this year he bought me a toy for my birthday. Does he not realize the level of my addiction? Perhaps I can trade with a kid…the toy he bought me for some book the kid will never read.

So here I sit surrounded by yet more books, that are about books, sipping coffee. Life is good.

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